What is 3rd Wave Specialty Coffee??

The difference between 3rd wave specialty coffee and 2nd wave specialty coffee…

As the term suggests, 3rd wave coffee is a movement that emphasizes the artisanal and experiential aspects of coffee. It prioritizes high-quality, sustainably sourced beans, expert roasting techniques, and precise brewing methods to achieve a superior coffee experience. In contrast to the 2nd wave, which focused on convenience and standardization, and the 1st wave, which treated coffee as a commodity, 3rd wave coffee values uniqueness and variety, and encourages consumers to appreciate coffee as an art form. The movement has also brought attention to the importance of understanding the environmental and social impact of coffee production, and supporting small-scale farmers and ethical sourcing practices.  Overall, 3rd wave coffee has elevated coffee culture and consumer expectations, leading to a greater appreciation and demand for specialty coffee.

The difference between 3rd wave specialty coffee and second wave coffee lies in their focus and approach to coffee production and consumption:

  1. Focus: Second wave coffee focused on the mass production, distribution and consumption of coffee as a commodity. In contrast, 3rd wave specialty coffee focuses on elevating coffee to an artisanal beverage with a focus on quality, flavor and sourcing.

  2. Approach: Second wave coffee introduced the concept of coffee shops or chains with the convenience of on-the-go coffee. In contrast, 3rd wave coffee shops focus on the craft of coffee brewing, cultivating relationships with farmers, and providing a unique customer experience.

  3. Roasting: Second wave coffee uses dark roasts, while 3rd wave coffee embraces lighter roasts that highlight the unique flavors of the coffee.

  4. Origin: Second wave coffee typically sources coffee from large commercial farms, while 3rd wave coffee often sources coffee from smaller, specialty farms with unique flavor profiles.

Overall, 3rd wave specialty coffee is a movement towards a more artisanal, personalized and immersive coffee experience.