Coffee pods gained in popularity a few years ago for a few good reasons. It is a quick, convenient way to make coffee at home. Everybody loves quick, everybody loves convenient! They also started to make flavored versions that people combined with their flavored creamers, which Im sure tastes great. What you end up with is not as much coffee as it is desert. If we want to talk coffee, than I will break it down into a few quick notes.

Coffee pods aren’t bad. It is kind of a hybrid of a drip machine, like a mini drip machine.

That isn’t a bad thing, I use the drip machine at my coffee shop all the time. The drip machine inherently isn’t the best for extracting all the flavor notes in your coffee.

The main problem with coffee pods is the quality and age of the coffee in them.

From what I have seen, most of the coffee pod coffee is extremely low quality. This will result in a flat, poor flavor profile. The other problem is we don’t know how fresh it is. Coffee should be consumed 1-5 weeks after roast date. For optimal taste, weeks 2-3. So imagine if they never put a roast date…you might be drinking coffee that roasted a year ago. Again, you will be left with a flat, dull tasting coffee.
That is why they make so many flavored versions! To mask the poor quality.

My advice, find a roaster known for producing quality coffee with a high standard for taste and freshness. Purchase their coffee pods. Also, you can purchase a refillable coffee pod fill it with your favorite company’s coffee. Here is mine, Outsiders Coffee. Simple to do, and much better than what’s “popular”.

Use a coffee pod machine if you really like it, just choose fresh, higher quality brands. Stay away from Costco brand coffee pods with an Italian name.

I hope this helps!

Abraham Awad